Product Details

  • Central Street Academy is the home of the online course “Woodworking for Beginners.”

  • Access to 41 video lessons among 5 modules which you can pause & play at your own pace.

    Access to a private (optional) community to troubleshoot, ask questions, share your projects, and continue learning with your instructor.

    Access to supplemental materials:

     - Project planning worksheet

     - Practice drills worksheet

     - Cost breakdown (Links to instructor's tools & low-cost options)

  • This course is designed for beginners: anyone who has a desire to learn to build something with their own hands.

    It’s especially popular among young women (18-45) who aren’t typically represented in the trades and therefore may be intimidated to dive in.

  • This short online course sets you up with only the most basic skills you need in order to begin building things with your own two hands.

    Whether you want to sell items or make something for your own home, this course removes all the barriers that may be holding you back.

  • The course costs $249 and affiliates earn 50% off each sale.